Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Apostles from the UK

Greetings and it has been awhile since we were here. I took a break and went off to the Wilderness for a holiday. We visited a church in Plettenberg Bay and also brought Apostles John and Christine Noble, Andy with us to Cape Town.

It is a great honour to have been with them and just see the awesome work GOD has been doing through them accross Europe. Apostle John Noble also shared at Cape Town Christian Fellowship Sunday and reminded us about being a witness for Jesus Christ. There were question that needs to be answered to help us with being a witness:
1) Who am I? Knowing who you are in Christ Jesus
2) What do I have?
3) What an I passionate about?

With simplicity he brought the message accross that Jesus wants want us His witnesses to advance the Kingdom with Power. There was also a prophetic Word that went forth that the World is waiting upon Africa to rise up and take what GOD has given us to the ends of the earth.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

How Great is Our God

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